I am super excited! We have found a realtor (well, actually two realtors that work together) that we feel totally comfortable with. It is a man and a woman who have worked as partners for several years and they both are very experienced in the northern Atlanta area. We felt this was important because we are in need of someone who can give us sound advice on a good area to live in with good schools, best amount of money for the price, etc. We met with them for the first time on Monday for two hours. They shared with us a lot about themselves, how they work together, things that we can expect, and a whole lot more.
One of the things that we liked was that they give us access to a program where we can put in anything that we are looking for in a home... You can be as specific as you want to be or as general as you want to be. Once all of that is entered, the program sends you an email of all the houses for sale that fits your search criteria. Then, you have a chance to narrow down the list of what you like and don't like before going to look at the house... very effecient! We can also change our search criteria at any time. Nathan and I decided to keep our search pretty general so that we would not be limited. We, at least, know we want a four bedroom house with a good size backyard for our dog. If you are familiar with Atlanta, we are looking in the East Cobb, Fulton, and Forsyth counties (which are just north and northwest of metro Atlanta). We will go look for the first time this weekend so I will keep you posted! And, please pray that the Lord will bring us to the right house (in His timing too)!
I am so excited for y'all! I can't wait to hear how the search went. Bathe everything in prayer. The Lord is preparing your home for you.