Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Creation of My Blog

The decision to start a blog: Since before we moved to Atlanta, I had been contemplating starting a blog so that our friends and family could stay up to date on our new adventures. I have to admit, for some reason this whole blogging thing is a little intimidating to me (it's a whole new world to learn). Then the other day, a dear friend of mine, Jenna, posted on Facebook saying that I should start one... so here we are! I guess I just needed a little nudge. ;-)
Behind the creation of the blog title: I wanted the title to incorporate our last name and I wanted it to be creative but everything I kept coming up with sounded too cheesy. So, I asked for Nathan's help and I learned something new... did you know that the word garner (verb) means to collect, gather, or to acquire? I didn't. We continued to bounce ideas back and forth... Then, ta-da!!! We came up with the title for my blog and we both felt it was fitting. So here I am, starting a blog about us collecting life's moments. I hope you enjoy it!

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